
Creative Drama in Education/Human Development


Blatner, A. & Weiner, D., eds. (2007). Interactive and Improvisational Drama: Varieties of Applied Theatre and Performance. Lincoln, NE: iUniverse, Inc.

Cullum, A. (1967 ). Push Back the Desks. Citation Press.

King, N. (1993). Storymaking and Drama: An Approach to Teaching Language and Literature at the Secondary and Postsecondary Levels. Heinemann Drama.

McCaslin, N. (2005). Creative Drama in the Classroom, (8th Ed). Allyn & Bacon.

Nelson, G. D. (2001). The Aristotle Effect: Breaking the Learning Barrier. Phoenix, AZ: Insight
Learning Foundation Press. Sarah says this is a great resource.

Sawyer, R. K. (1997). Pretend Play as Improvisation: Conversation in the Preschool Classroom. Lawrence Erlbaum.

Slade, P. (1976). Child Drama. Hodder Arnold H&S.
Slade, P. (1995). Child Play:Its Importance for Human Development. Bristol, PA: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Wagner, B.J. (1998). Educational Drama and Language Arts: What Research Shows. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Drama.

Way, Brian (1967). Development Through Drama. Humanity Books.


Fisler, B. (2003). Quantifiable evidence, reading pedagogy and puppets. Research in Drama Education, 8(1). 25-38. Contains a nice section of background and the debate between theatre education and educational theatre, mentioning the "big names" from another post, and discusses the America Reads Initiative and Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center's puppet theatre projects as its response.

Peter, M. (2003). Drama, narrative and early learning. British Journal of Special Education, 30(1). 21-27.

Roper, B. & Davis, D. (2000). Howard Gardner: Knowledge, learning and development in drama and arts education. Research in Drama Education, 5(2). 217-233.

Rose, D.S., Parks, M., Androes, K. & McMahon, S.D. (2000). Imagery-based learning: Improving elementary students' reading comprehension with drama techniques. The Journal of Educational Research, 94(1). 55-63. Uses cognitive theories about the role of image in memory to develop a drama based reading comprehension program for 4th graders in Chicaog public schools. Using a pre-post test control group design, researchers found a causal link between drama based instruction and improved reading comprehension.

Wilhelm, J.D. (2006). The age for drama. Educational Leadership, 63(7). 74-77


Borody, C. (1995). Reflective-communication: Drama for the development of higher thinking skills. M.Ed. dissertation, the Univeristy of Manitoba, Canada.


Sarah said...

A great book on using drama in the classroom is The Aristotle Effect by George Nelson. It's a wonderful source!

Ruth W said...

Sarah -
Thanks so much! I'm adding it to the list. Can you tell us more?